Our Vision


we Educate

for Change



"It  takes a village  to raise a child” African proverb 

Embracing this adage, we wholeheartedly endorse and cultivate equitable, caring relationships among our students, teachers, staff, and parents. With shared intentions and a collective desire for the well-being and success of our students, we cultivate a strong community.

Our belief in the power of diversity drives us to create an inclusive, inviting environment that welcomes all, irrespective of nationality, religion, race, ability, sexuality, or socio-economic background. Our organisational structure is non-hierarchical, emphasising democratic decision-making, and allowing everyone to contribute. As a learning organisation, we continuously ask ourselves "why" we do as we do and regularly seek our students', staff's, and parents' feedback.

We want to "be the best - with the rest", ensuring quality education for all children. To this end, we collaborate with other institutions, willingly sharing what we do and how we do it.


…we Educate…

We believe that a child immersed in a supportive, stimulating, and loving environment will naturally acquire mastery in whatever their passions are. There they can develop their self-worth, and feel empowered, motivated, and secure. ​We see children for who they are, respect their individuality and we never see them as the problem. They can have problems - but they are not their problems.

Education, as we see it, is a lifelong journey. As a school, we are there to guide them on this path. Sometimes by walking in front of them and setting high expectations and direction. More times by walking next to them and holding their hands. And most often by walking behind them and being there to facilitate their learning.

We set high expectations and fully believe in the students so that they can also believe in themselves (growth mindset). We are here to set them up for success, so they can be protagonists of their destiny and have a fulfilled life.​

Embracing bilingualism (English and Portuguese) and active learning, we place equal value on academic achievement (math, natural and social sciences, languages, PE, arts, and music), well-being (Social Emotional Redesign, yoga, play, being in the outdoors) and engagement (experimenting, exploring, volunteering, entrepreneurship).

To provide the best conditions for learning, our commitment extends to developing a nurturing physical space, encompassing generous installations, healthy organic meals, extensive play areas, varied sports facilities, animals on campus, and direct access to gardens and forests. Simultaneously, we nurture a psychologically secure learning environment, characterized by a steadfast commitment to eradicating bullying and ensuring no child experiences isolation.


…for Change.

We assume our role as active local and global citizens, acting to make our society more just, transparent, affectionate and sustainable, as also laid out in the Sustainable Development Goals. ​In this context, it is important for all of us to question what aspects of our behaviour contribute to problems such as pollution, waste, and injustice, as well as to recognise our individual contributions to the solutions through consciousness, collaboration, and action.

The world is undergoing rapid change, and we are open to evolving with it, not against it. As a result, we value critical questioning, creative collaborative problem-solving, and a culture where it is okay to fail, fail again and fail better. We bring the world to the school and the school to the world.

We want to ensure that children are well-versed in their rights (to participate, to be heard, to be included, ...) as well as their responsibilities (treating others with respect, actively listening, contributing to the community, ...).

We have to be the change we want to see.


Our Way of Working


“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”


We develop the child as a whole, with a student-centred approach, through active learning in a safe and inclusive environment.


Our Strategy


“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”

_Margaret Mead

The world around us is changing and we are continuously evolving with it. We do not subscribe to any particular pedagogical model, but we have various educational philosophies as inspiration.



Whole Child Development

Our approach focuses on physical and emotional wellbeing. We respect the individuality and rhythm of each child and strive to serve the best interests of the students.


Active Learning

From passive to active: we encourage learning through experience. We believe that learning through play, promotes true joy, engagement and creativity. Sometimes we do things for our students. More often we do things with our students. Mostly we let it be by the students.



Student Centred Approach

The child must always come first. We serve the best interests of the students to explore their intelligence and capacities, respecting the individuality of each child.


Safe & Inclusive Environment

Everyone has the right to work and learn in a safe and secure environment. Our school culture recognises and celebrates diversity. We invite everyone to contribute in our quest to make Aprendizes a safe, respectful and inclusive community.





We are enthusiastic about the ideas behind active learning and the fact that it brings the child to the centre of the learning process. It inspires us to learn by action and positive adult-child interactions. We value dynamics developed in a child-friendly learning space and recognise the importance of a consistent daily routine, which gives us the possibility to work on different dynamics within the same schedule (large group; small group; individual work).



As a path to more humane teaching, we are inspired to respect the child's natural rhythms, and maintain a holistic vision where education through art, contact with nature and strong teacher-student relationships play an important role.

Modern School

We are inspired by the idea of community, reflected by our school assemblies, our school council, student association, class diaries, presentations and community work.

Nordic Educational Thinking

We take with us the importance of play, equality, freedom with responsibility, collaboration and critical thinking that challenges the norms of traditional schools.




We have a sociocratic inspired organisational structure, with a shared leadership and distributed power.

We cherish an empowerment culture and an environment where students and staff members have space to flourish and contribute towards our mission.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together
— African proverb

Políticas de Escola

  • School Policy 23/24 | School Policy 24/25

[click here] | [click here]

  • Star Rules

[click here]

  • Food Policy

[click here]

  • Health and Safety POlicy

[click here]

  • AnTI-Bullying Policy

[click here]

  • Data protection policy

[click here]

We follow the guidelines established by the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health (DGS) regarding COVID-19 prevention and control measures.